Recovery Stories
- Schizophrenia recovery stories from
- The “Hidden Meaning” Behind My Recovery and Re-Integration, by Patricia Lefave
- Anchorage Daily News Article on Ionia
- The Consumer/Survivor/Ex-patient Oral History Project: Four Willard Psychiatric Center Stories
- “Self-Determination for People with Psychiatric Disabilities: Personal Obstacles and Facilitators,” Joseph A. Rogers & Susan Rogers
- My Story
- Mistaken for Schizophrenic
- Psychiatry’s Unholy Trinity–Fraud, Fear And Force: A Personal Account, by Leonard Roy Frank, appearing in Ideas on Liberty, August, 2002.
- Freedom by Irit Shimrat
- Jim Gottstein
- Life After Psychiatry by Wilma A. Boevink
- Recovery Stories from the National Empowerment Center
- Sparrow’s Story
- Andrea Hercha Schmook
- Overcoming the Impossible: My Journey Through Schizophrenia by Ronald Bassman, Ph.D.
- Recovery is possible by Tracey May
- No Picnic in Sight, by Eric Shapiro
- My Story, by Dan Fisher, M.D.
- My Story of Hope by Cheryl Allen
- Recovering as a “Religious Fanatic”
- Steven Honig: I Found My Place
- Recovery by Les Mitchell
- Discovering Recovery by Gene Deegan
- My Story of Defeats and Successes, by Mike Gladu
- Scott E. Huffman’s Adventures with Psychiatry
- The Long and Winding Road to Recovery by Jean Esplin
- Without Mask: Recovery is Possible by Tracey May
- My Name is Mara McWilliams
- Building a Career When Living with a Mood Disorder By “Sabina Morris”
Recovery Articles/Links
- Recovery Resources on the Internet
- Inclusive Livable Communities for People with Psychiatric Disabilties, National Council on Disability, by Dan Fisher and Judi Chamberlin (2008)
- Successful Schizoprenia
- Top Ten Findings: Ohio Longitudinal Consumer Outcomes Study (1999)
- The Resiliency Center.
- How do We Recover? An Analysis of Psychiatric Survivor Oral Histories, by Oryx Cohen, in Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Vol . 45 No. 3, Summer 2005 333-354
- Beautiful Minds Can Be Reclaimed, by Courtenay M. Harding, NY Times
- Benefits of Peer Provided Services and Drop In Centers
- Recovering and Recovery in Schizophrenia, VA in MindView, January, 2007.
- You Decide Who Decides-Yeah Right, by Anne Marsden
- Effective Therapy
- Measuring the Promise: A Compendium of Recovery Measures, Volume II, from the Evaluation Center of Human Resources International, September, 2005.
- The Writer as Activist: Eric Shapiro Elaborates on Alternative Mental Health.
- Spirituality and Mental Illness by Diana Nielsen
- “Recovering” Consumers and a Broken Mental Health System in the United States: Ongoing Challenges for Consumers / Survivors and the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, by Athena McLean, Ph.D., International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2003: 8, 47-68.
- Compilation of the briefing papers presented in October 2003, at The National Self-Determination and Psychiatric Disability Invitational Conference: We Make the Road by Traveling on It. The papers, written by people with psychiatric disabilities and other experts, were designed to summarize current knowledge about self-determination, and to suggest action steps for the future.
- Emile Kraepelin Reconsidered: Confronting The Possibility Of Recovery From Serious Mental Illness by Elizabeth Richter
- Mastering Life Series by Steven Honig
- Recovery Through Art by artist Mara McWilliams.
- Finding Our Voice! Ending The Silence by Mary Ellen Copeland
- Mental health recovery: what helps and what hinders? A national research project for the development of recovery facilitating system performance indicators
- Making Space, Spirituality and Mental Health, The Mary Hemingway Rees Memorial Lecture World Assembly for Mental Health Vancouver, July 2001 by Julie Leibrich
- Mental Health Recovery Links from the Recovery Directory
- Recovery at Rethink in the UK
- Whose Reality is it Anyway? Consumers/Survivors/Ex-Patients Can Speak for Themselves, by Ronald Bassman
- People Are More Important than Pills in Recovery from Mental Disorder, by Daniel Fisher
- The Recovery Model (PDF) by Les Mitchell
- Zuzu’s Place: Cooperative Living for Psychiatric Survivors
- Recovery, by Ruth O. Ralph, Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service
- Motivation by Mary Ellen Copeland
- The Peer/Self-Advocacy Training Manual
- The Mental Health System: Recovery Should be the Goal by Jim Gottstein
- Self-Responsibility and Recovery by Andrea Hercha Schmook
- People can recover from mental illness, by Daniel Fisher, M.D., Ph.D. and Laurie Ahern
- What is Recovery? by Andrea Hercha Schmook
- Recovery is a Choice by Andrea Hercha Schmook
- CHOICES: Consumers Having Ownership In Creating Effective Services
- The International Model of Recovery and Reclamation
- Two Sides of Recovery by Wilma Boevink
- Recovery: Responsibilities and Roadblocks, by Jim Gottstein
- Recovery is a Process, Not an End by Terry DeRocher on Recovery
- Spiritual Forces and How They Affect Recovery by Andrea Hercha-Schmook
- Faith and Recovery by Andrea Hercha Schmook
- An American Definition of Independent Living
- People can recover from mental illness by Daniel Fisher, M.D., Ph.D. and Laurie Ahern
- Mental Health Recovery Links at the Recovery Directory
- Clutter Overwhelming You? By Mike Nelson, Executive Director, Clutterless Recovery Groups Inc.
- Relaxation and Stress Reduction from Mary Ellen Copeland’s Newsletter.
- RECOVERY: How Do You Get Yourself Going? by Andrea Hercha-Schmook
- Other Consumer Articles
- Understanding What Useful Help Looks Like: The Standards of Peer Support, by Cheryl MacNeil, Ph.D. and Shery Mead, M.S.W.
Recovery Activities
- Consumer Employment
- Listserv (e-mail List)
- is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to non-pharmaceutical commonsense health education. This website was written and created by physician-poet Hugh Mann, who was inspired by his personal odyssey and thirty years of medical practice.
- Shery Mead Consulting: Peer Support and peer run crisis alternatives in mental health.
- Wellness Tool-Organizing or Reorganizing by Mary Ellen Copeland
- Food
- Compeer
- Cat Therapy by Harold Bartko
- Spirituality by Les Mitchell
- Using Music in Therapy: The Power of Music as a Coping Skill
- Exercise: The Best Anti-Depressant by Mary Ellen Copeland
- Using the Arts to Recover Mental Health by Gayle Bluebird
- Music as an Aid to Recovery by Harold Bartko
- Hiking, Biking, Camping and Skiing, Swimming, and Seasonal Activities
Consumer Writings
- Consumer Articles on Recovery
- A Poem by Dorothy W. Dundas
- Mania as Spiritual Emergency, a personal account by Edward Whitney, MD, Psychiatric Services, December 1998 Vol. 49 No. 12
- Why I am not a Consumer by David Romprey
- The Need for Choice in the Mental Health System, By Denise Fletcher
- Forced vs. Voluntary Treatment, by Denise Fletcher
- Freedom by Irit Shimrat
- Stigma is Social Death by Deborah Reidy (1993)
- Julie Leibrich
- Making Space, Spirituality and Mental Health, The Mary Hemingway Rees Memorial Lecture World Assembly for Mental Health Vancouver, July 2001 and Part I of a two-part invited presentation at the National Conference on Spirituality and Mental Health Melbourne, 29 &30 March 2004.
- Standing Still: Spirituality and Sense, Part II of a two-part invited presentation at the National Conference on Spirituality and Mental Health Melbourne, 29 &30 March 2004.
- Professional Perspectives Regarding the Merit of the Role of the Consumer Specialist and the Responsibility Group, By Randy Starr
- A Successful Reintegration into the Community: One NGRI Acquittee’s Story By Randy Starr
- Sandwich Therapy, by Pat Risser
- Rae Says: an interview with Rae Unzickerby Lucy Gwin
- The Criteria of What Works and for Whom Part I by Sue Poole
- Absolute Care, by Sue Poole
- The Criteria of What Works and for Whom Part II by Sue Poole
- Notes on the 10th Triptych Convention, “Two Sides of Psychosis” by Mira DeVries
- Five Lobe Circus, by Alan Cabal,, May 18, 2004
- The Diagnosis Myth, by Eric Shapiro
- Felicia
- Unhinged Mind by Bill Nordahl
- We’ve Been Misled by the Drug Industry, By Daniel B. Fisher
- Fighting for the right to live the life I deserve
- The Mentally Ill of America: “A People in Bondage” by Tom Barresi
- PsychoMuses by Bill
- The Trouble with Pact: Questioning the Increasing Use of Assertive Community Treatment Teams in Community Mental Health, by Patricial Spindel and Jo Anne Nugent.
- CHOICES – Consumers Having Ownership In Creating Effective Services. by Jim Gottstein
- The Peer/Self-Advocacy Training Manual
- The Power of One: Positive Affirmations
- A Light to Brighten The Path
- Three articles by Les Mitchell, New Zealand Consumer Advisor:
- Personal experiences with our Paid Friends. By Scot L. Wheat
- Through the Eyes of a Stranger by Micheal G. Spennato
- Breakin’ Trail
- Jails: A Less Restrictive Alternative?
- Steven Honig: I Found My Place
- Hoppin on the Bandwagon
- The Saucers Have Landed
- A Consumer Member’s Report on Alaska Mental Health Board Issues by Jim Gottstein
- A Story of My Mental Illness
- The Schizoaffective Coaster by Brian Benson
- Meeting Reports
- API 2000: Time to Reconsider? by Jim Gottstein
- For another view see the Response by Loren Jones, CMH/API 2000 Project Director
- Another view from a Soldotna Consumer
The information here is offered as peer support only. We assume no liability whatsoever for any consequences arising out your use of such information. By accessing such information you waive any and all right to any claims that might arise thereof.
Historical Material
- June 14, 2004, Draft Memo from James B. Gottstein on Disability Justice: A Psychiatric Survivor’s Perspective.
- Bibliography of First-Person Narratives of Madness by Gail Hornstein.
- Mental health recovery: what helps and what hinders? A national research project for the development of recovery facilitating system performance indicators
- Alaska Mental Health Board 2003 Budget Summit Report PDF Version.
- The President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health issued its Final Report July 22, 2003.
- United States Supreme Court Lays Down rules for Medicating someone to make him/her competent to stand trial in Sell v. US. (PDF)
- SAMHSA Participatory Dialogues, a Guide to Organizing Interactive Discussions Between Consumers, Providers and Family Members
- Anchorage Emergency Services Pathways
- 7 AAC 71Community Mental Health Service Regulations (As amended through March 16, 2001)
- The Well Being of our Nation: An Inter-Generational Vision of Effective Mental Health Services and Supports (September 16, 2002) (PDF). Webpage Version.
- Performance Measures Pilot Project — Primary Phase Final Report
- DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, Fourth Revision)
- Standards for Community Mental Health Grantees for FY 05
- Psychiatric Ethics: The Principles of Medical Ethics With Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry, 2001 Edition
- Consumer/Survivor-Operated Self-Help Programs: A Technical Report by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services (2001, PDF Format)
- Mental Health Performance Measures–Phase One Report tasked with identifying a set of performance measures for evaluation of the state’s public mental health system is now available (PDF Format)
- Computer and Internet Use Among People with Disabilities by H . Stephen Kaye, Ph. D. Disability Statistics Center Institute for Health and Aging
- The Trouble with Pact: Questioning the Increasing Use of Assertive Community Treatment Teams in Community Mental Health, by Patricial Spindel and Jo Anne Nugent.
- Alaska Statutes relating to Grievance Procedures
- Regulation regarding grantee Governing Board makeup.
- Enforcing the ADA A Status Report from the Department of Justice (October – December 1999).
- Alaska Mental Health Board 1999 Annual Report
- Surgeon General Issues Report on Mental Health with remarks by Larry Fricks Director, Office of Consumer Relations Georgia Department of Mental Health. The Report has a number of sections about consumer issues:
- The Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (HTML format). PDF Version. Summary.
- A Shared Vision II, The Alaska Mental Health Strategic Plan 1999-2003
- HTML Version
- PDF Version (650 kb)
- 1999 Comprehensive Integrated Mental Health Plan ( 7/19/99)
- Mental Health Parity Task Force (updated 3/23/99) – Final Report
- Summary of Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 as passed by Senate.
- Report on Barriers to Employment (September 1998)
- Transforming API: A New Vision of Alaska’s Mental Health System
- What is Managed Care?
- Why the Internet is Important to Consumers
- The Disability Law Center’s draft Goals and Priorities. The deadline for the public comment was Friday, September 10, 1999.
- Mental Health Lands Trust (Jim Gottstein’s and David Walker’s Article on the Trust Litigation):
- Section 202 of the Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act (1956 Law creating the Trust)
- State v. Weiss (1985 Alaska Supreme Court Decision holding Trust abolishment illegal)
- Chapter 132 SLA 1986
- Chapter 48 SLA 1987
- Chapter 66 SLA 1991 (amended by Chapter 5 FSSLA 1994 and Chapter 1 SSSLA 1994)
- Chapter 5 FSSLA 1994 (Settlement Legislation)
- Settlement Agreement (and Stipulation of Dismissal)
- Chapter 1 SSSLA 1994 (Amendment to Settlement Legislation)
- Final Trial Court Trust Settlement Approval Decision
- Order (of Dismissal)
- April 24, 1997 Memorandum Decision and Order (Exhibit D). (3.1 MB)
- Weiss v. State (1997 Alaska Supreme Court Decision approving Settlement)
- Mental Health Trust Land Regulations
- October 27, 2003 Memo from James B. Gottstein, Re: Modification and Enforcement Provisions of the Trust Settlement
- Kenaston v. State of Alaska
- December 9, 2004, Panel Discussion at the Alaska Mental Health Board on the history and purpose of the Trust.
- August 22, 2005, Memorandum Re: Selection of Alaska Mental Health Board and Alaska Board on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.