The Web’s Peer staff facilitate weekly support groups to offer participants the connection to others in recovery in a safe & supportive environment. Groups offer individuals an opportunity to offer and receive support, feedback, along with connections to others to offer hope, inspiration, encouragement, and sometimes suggestions. Participating in the support group offers individuals the opportunity to find their voice, and the ability to relate to others in healthier ways. Below are our current groups, please click on our Calendar page to see our group schedule.
Art Group: A Peer Mentor facilitates a weekly group focused on allowing members to explore their artistic creativity, and the healing that can come from these activities!
W.R.A.P: The Web is currently working on training for a new WRAP facilitator. Hopefully our WRAP program will be starting up soon again!
Mind Body & Spirit: This group meets weekly on, Wednesdays, to support participants in their life’s individual journey.